Saturday, February 5, 2011

Senasec Family

Meet the newest family member, Addy!! She is so precious! The oldest, Paige~soon to be 3 and Wes who turned 1 today!! Happy Birthday sweet boy!! I just love these kiddos and they are so cute. I hope you like what you see.....Wes was so tired and Paige, well she was all over the place having a good time.

I just love babies, so small and sweet.

The more I look at this one the more I am loving it!

10 lil fingers and 10 lil toes!! Tiny lil feet make me smile!

Hello eyes!! She was not liking my flash ;)

Wes was so tired! But man I am loving the blue eyes!!

Adorable Paige!! When she smiles it lights up a room!


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