Friday, January 27, 2012

New College!!

Another beautiful college!! This is an 11 x 14!

New Little One College

Beautiful 20 x 16 print. He is so cute!!

New College!!

I have a few new colleges....Here is one....more later :) This one is a beautiful 20x10 print! Love it!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Gavin 8 Months Old

WOW, I can not believe Gavin is 8 months old already!!! I have three of my FAVORITE shots bowl, butt shot and tub with bubbles! He is so cute, hope you like them so far :)


Thursday, January 12, 2012

The best place to keep your memories: in your heart; and the best place to house the tokens of those memories.....

Keepsake Box!!

The first time he said "I Love You!" Your childs first step. Those moments will live in our memories always, but where do we house the tangible tokens that celebrate those wonderfule milestones?

Give the treasures of 2012 a custom, handcrafted home with a keepsake box. The program from your wedding and your favorite wedding photos; the knit booties handmade by Grandma; the candle from his first birthday cake; his first day of school photo and first report card; sand from your family vacation. What goes inside is up to you. It's your family story; let the Keepsake Box help you tell it in a special unique way.

The best place to keep your memories: in your heart; and the best place to house the tokens of those memories: a Keepsake Box.

Email for more details.