Friday, September 30, 2011

Kelsey & Austin!!

My FIRST engagement couple! I could not have asked for a better couple to take pictures of! The two of you are AWSOME!! I am so happy to be a part of this! I was just going to do a sneak peak and I just could not stop editing....LOVE THEM so far! This was just 10mins of running through the pics....I may have to do another post later ;) Hope you like them!!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Introducing....Mr. & Mrs. Bowsher!

Ok so this post is larger then normal....only because I LOVE so many pictures!!

I just want to say congratulations! The two of you are such an amazing and beautiful couple. Your family and friends are awsome. Everyone made me feel like family! This has to be one of my favorite weddings so far!!! And to all the groomsmen....THANKS for all the smiles and laughs, you guys are GREAT! I hope you enjoy the pictures so MANY more to come.

This one is for the grooms dad!....I LOVE this 57 BelAir...BEAUTIFUL ride!!!


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sneak Peak~Mr. & Mrs. Bowsher

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Here is a sneak peak for now....I am having a hard time narrowing them down. They all turned out so WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL! More later!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gavin 4months Old

I can't believe Gavin is already four months old!! And he just keeps getting more and more adorable!!! I LOVE this first pic so you get two version of it :) CD will be ready in a couple of days! Hope you like them so far!!

Gavin was cracking me up with sucking on his top lip, so cute!!

You have a beautiful family Grigsby's!!


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sneak Peak!!! Gavin

Gavin~4months old.....more to come!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another GREAT year!! THANK YOU!

Hello Everyone!!

I just want to thank you all for another great year of photography. I have decided that I am going to take a break from November 15th through April 1st. If you are wanting to get a fall or Christmas shoot in please contact me as soon as possible. I only have a few dates left that I am available. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via e~mail: I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have dates for next year ex: senior, 1st birthday etc. please let me know and I can book you in advance so my full time job does not get in the way.

Have a safe fall and Happy Holidays!!

Titus Photography

Kingston & Lula

These two are SO ADORABLE!! Lula was not a fan of smiles this time, but maybe next time ;) Hope you like them so far....CD to follow soon!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Packard Family

The Packard Family....I just love you all! You make me smile, you are all such hams! For as much as the kids did NOT want to do this...I think they did great! I can't wait for next year....amazing how much you have all changed since last year.