This is going to be a HUGE post. Lots of people to get in here. First of all THANK YOU so much for letting me be a part of this. You all are such GREAT people!!!! I had a BLAST.....I hope you like them so far, I have tons more to edit but wanted you to get a glance at what I have so far. I will mail the CD's to you as soon as I have them done!! :)
The Whole Family
Can not believe I have EVERYONE looking at the camera...YEAH!!!
Lynnette, Bob, Jill, Dave, Grace, Gloria, Gabby, Rob, Dan, Bridget, Mia, Mary and Madely

Bob and Lynnette
I love this picture!!
Bob and Lynnette with their dogs
I just had to post this, love it!!
Lynnette and her three kids: Rob, Jill and Dan
Kids will always be kids!?! No you all were such fun!! Thank you!

Beautiful family!!
Dan, Jill, Lynnette and Rob
Dan, Lynnette and Rob
Just the Kids, Seriously LOVE IT!!!
Dan, Rob and Jill
Bridget & Dan, Rob & Jessica, Jill and Dave
(left to right)
The six grandkids Well they are all looking, so that is good!

How fun!!
Jill and Dave with their three kids

How fun, what a great family pic!

Dan with the girls in the tree, just awsome!

They are so sweet!!
Grace-9, Gloria-6 and Gabby-5



Dan & Bridget
Not sure what it is but I LOVE THIS, beautiful!!!

Mary-3, Mia-7 and Madely-6months


So Mary was NOT a fan of me :(
This is the best I got....
So sweet!! Madely
Rob and Jessica
Such a cute couple!!

You all did so great!! I hope to do a spring/summer shoot with you and get the kids in their own element. I think I will get some even better ones then. ENJOY!!!! Hope I spelled everyone's name correctly :)